Brave Story this, Brave Story that =P

Nov 24, 2006 23:29

First thing I see on the Raws page of TokyoTosho?
Brave Story movie. ^^;;;;

I guess I kind of find it funny that in the comments section they wrote:
"Buy R2 DVD if you want English subtitles."

I wonder, won't someone probably just try and fansub it anyways? -_-;

But yeah, if people can, go buy an official copy!
I think it's absolutely great that they've got the Japanese DVD with English subtitles as an option. =3

... Yeah, I don't know who I'm addressing here. >_>;
Guess I just wanted to make a comment.
It's kind of funny how two people today are like, "Jen, what don't you have of BS?" (Han-Yee and Jai)

... 'Cause since it's so hard for me to find stuff for it over here, I tend to buy it when I have the chance. But I guess that really does make it harder for people to find things for me for b-day and Christmas stuff. ^^;; Sorry!

What I have of Brave Story:
-上 novel (bk 1 of 2)
-下 novel (bk 2 of 2)
+++ These two are the bigger ones, not the smaller 3 book set one.
-manga v.1-13
-two fliers/chirashi
- these two doujinshi: "Too High" and "Otameshi Shounen"
--I'll soon be getting my DVD collector's box

If you need help with finding stuff:
♥ Brave Story gashapon swing cell straps - Reggie brought a bunch back, and will sell them as sets at Power. Han-Yee told me not to buy them (because I so would have) since there wouldn't be anything to get me otherwise... ^^;
♥ Brave Story PVC figures - These are the big ones. They're somewhere like $30-40 I think.. Reggie wasn't able to find Wataru or Mitsuru in the places he looked in Japan. He only found カッツ and キー・キマ. Ebay has some... =P
♥ As BS doujinshi is pretty hard to find unless you're in Japan or can use Yahoo!Auctions Japan, that's pretty much a no-go.
-♥- But but, that makes Brave Story fanart all the more appealing to me. =D
♥ Copic markers~~
♥ Myst IV: Revelations PC game
♥ Myst V: End of Ages PC game - I keep eye the LE box at EB in Westside Pavilion.
♥ Myst: Uru PC game
♥ Felicity DVDs - This was the only WB show I followed in its entirety. O_O;

... Uh, yeah. ^^;;

brave story

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