Feb 19, 2011 23:25
After sorting through my doujin collection, I decided to narrow down my Brave Story collection by about half. So, I'm deciding to part with 52 of my books to make some space. I know that the fandom is rather small, so rather than try to sell any of them, I'm wondering if any of you would like a random assortment from the following (all in Japanese):
13 - Wataru x Mitsuru
33 - Mitsuru x Wataru
4 - general
2 - general (novels)
Shoot me a PM or email if you're interested, which pairing you prefer (may or may not be honored), and your address.
I'll probably limit the package to 5-6 books to keep the shipping cost down. (I'll pay it if you'll take them off my hands! XD)
brave story,