I will spare everyone the fruits of my amber music box screenshot escapade by sharing something more productive that resulted from it. =)
Screencap from S2E8, Company Man
Free transformed, rotated, stretched, and cropped in Photoshop. =)
I tested out a program called NoteWorthy Composer, but only used the Demo version. Albeit limited, it suited my purposes. Took me a little while to figure out how to make different kinds of notes that would create a chord, but also have different durations.
Using the program demo, I created two versions of the sheet music:
Melody only
-right-click to save for full size (2435x960 px)
Replica of original in screenshot, page 1
-missing a continous note symbol between measure 10 and 11 on the C note.. I couldn't figure out how to get it right
-right-click to save for full size (1255x1600 px)
Replica of original in screenshot, page 2
-right-click to save for full size (1255x1600 px)
Or download
here (all 3 images in a .ZIP)
I was comparing this version against the real version of "Adagio"; this version is a lot slower, and only consists of the first few staves.
Working on getting an audio recording off the program, but that may have to wait until later... TBC