(no subject)

Apr 14, 2009 23:04

Today's search on Nico yielded:

(Nankei demo nai - Natsume Yuujinchou version)

【ニコニコ動画】[MAD]『春を知らせるもの ~続夏目友人帳のテーマ~』
-a very, very nicely edited piece with clips from Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou


Fire alarm in Powell went off just as it was time for me to get off work. I stuck around a little longer to make sure that the consultant locked the control room, got all the people out, and make sure all the doors were locked. It's weird seeing the other fire safety doors closed (they have magnetic-release things on them).

Also saw city people on all 4 corners of Sepulveda and Wilshire today as I was heading toward the freeway. They had more high-tech versions of those clickers from K-ON! ep.2! XD So funny 'cause I just watched that ep yesterday...

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