Oh... so they're saving the apartment scene (yes, please?) for the last episode, perhaps? What about the piano scene? I hope that's in there, too! T^T It's almost over, but I hope there's more to come in following seasons. It's too soon to end it with the new OP and ED just starting a few eps ago! Totally related Ren to the 2nd ED in my mind. XD;
Natsume (07:42):「俺、子供苦手かも。」 POOR NATSUME! XD
もやし = bean sprout
まな板(まないた)= chopping board
えのき = enoki mushroom (long, thin and white)
オトコオンナ = (1) masculine (mannish) woman; (2) feminine (effeminate) man; (3) intersexual; hermaphrodite
... all the names he got called... *holding in laughter* I don't mean to laugh, but.. POOR NATSUME! XD;;;;;
!!! I totally didn't see that thing either! *heart jumped out* O_O;;
Taki's getting prettier~! ♥ Her smile is nice~
Kai's so cute! Why, Natori, why??
Ultimatum????? What will Natsume decide?!
The last couple ZNYC eps have been making my heart pound... not what I want before I go to sleep. ^^;;