Title: ‘In His Time Of Dying’
Author: JM
Pairing: nothing
Rating: PG
Category: Gen
Spoilers: big big ones for 2x01 “In my time of dying”
Warnings: character death, angst
Word Count: 1212 ca
Disclaimer: I own nothing, not making money…
Author’s Notes: Well…English isn’t my first language (nor my beta’s first language), so if you see any dreadful mistake please forgive me! (And report if you have the time!^^) Feedback makes me a little happy girl!^^ -- Thanks Fae for her beta-work!!
Summary: “I know what happened, I know what will happen, but I don’t care. I’m not running for my father, not anymore, I’m running for Sam. He needs me.” - Set at the end of 2x01 “In my time of dying” (and after). Dean POV. And yes, the dialogue in the first part is from the episode. *cries*
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