Her Nightmare

Jan 07, 2012 18:44

Title: Found
Character/Pairing: Jeanne Benoit; Gibbs/Jenny
Genre: Angst, AU
Rating: PG
Words: 205
Summary:  There are 8 million people in New York City.  The odds of running into someone you knew from your past are slim.
Notes: This starts my new series Her Nightmare.  Yeah, I know I haven't officially finished Alien On Broadway, but this ties into that and as long as you know the basic premise of AOB, you'll follow this.  I think.
Disclaimer: Not making any money from this. It's purely for fun and creative fan-type purposes.

( Found )

Title: Disappearance
Character/Pairing: Emile Renoir (OC); Gibbs/Jenny
Genre: Angst, AU
Rating: PG
Words: 224
Summary:  "Destroy her," she'd said.  "With pleasure," he'd answered.
Notes: Part two of Her Nightmare.
Disclaimer: Not making any money from this. It's purely for fun and creative fan-type purposes.

( Disappearance )

Title: Dear Agony
Character/Pairing: Emile Renoir (OC); Gibbs/Jenny
Genre: Angst, AU
Rating: M
Words: 1354
Summary:  "Do you know what it's like to be loved, and then to find out that love was never real?"
Warnings:  [This chapter references needles and an act of sexual assault, so if that's something that triggers for you, it's best to avoid.]
Notes: Part three of Her Nightmare.
Disclaimer: Not making any money from this. It's purely for fun and creative fan-type purposes.

( Dear Agony )

Title: Nightblindness
Character/Pairing: Gibbs/Jenny
Genre: Angst, AU
Rating: T
Words: 799
Summary: He has to be out there.  Her life is out there, waiting for her.  "You're just imagining things, sweetie.  None of that is real."
Notes: Part four of Her Nightmare.
Disclaimer: Not making any money from this. It's purely for fun and creative fan-type purposes.

( Nightblindness )

art: fanfic

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