Title: This Starts Here
ncisqueen (or
rikku_cheerio, take your pick)
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Allusions to suicide
Spoilers: Minor for Judgement Day
Word Count: 8784 (according to ff.net +/- author's notes)
Pairing: Jenny/Gibbs
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I'm not making any money from this. No copywrite infringement intended. This is purely for creative fan-type purposes.
Summary: At the end of the shootout in the California diner, Jenny survives, although just barely. She spends several weeks in a hospital, listed as a Jane Doe. After being released, she spends eight weeks quietly recuperating under Gibbs' roof. There's nothing of her old life left and
with Gibbs' help, she leaves Washington bound for New York. What better place to blend in and start over than a faceless city with 8M people?
Notes: This is Jen's entrance story for the game
nycnoir. Feel free to poke around in that community for exclusives--I have a tag
Jennifer Shepard Part One (complete)
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7 Edit: I hate you, LJ.