(no subject)

Jul 13, 2007 20:30

Prepare to be impressed: The Loverboy Concert Epic follows

So wes and i leave wausau at like 2:30 yesterday, b/c as he informs me around ooo Steven's Point... we have to stop at his HOUSE. so im like sweet. im meeting the fam fam and i have zero warning. good thing i kept my REALLY sluttly clothes at home. jesus. we go to his house and its in the middle of nowhere in berlin but it is GORGEOUS, the house itself is just a little bigger than mine, but they have a really nice backyard and this big pond and stuff and its just really cute. Luckily for me his little sister was the only one home (shes like 15) and so i was just like hey. and we got his shit and left. Now, luckily for me, we had enough time to visit his van. and for those of you who are unfamiliar with the van, let me just tell you, it might as well be the man's child. So we go off into another part of the middle of nowhere, so we can break into the van in "all its glory." and its just as horribly amazing as expected...shag carpets, bed seats, pictures of semi naked girls, lots of beer logos, etc. but he is very proud so i in turn am very excited by THE VAN!!!!. then we meet his friends in town and we give them a ride to oshkosh. at this point its just about 6 and we go to get our tickets to the concert because its was only a dollar before six pm. I get in with my fake, seeing as though the ticket man doesn't even look at my face, he just says... hmmm 1985? here ya go. it was beautiful. then we sit in the parking lot and drink some beer with his three friends. two of them were super super nice/ chill and the third is kind of weird b/c he had a head injury like 6 years ago and is really weird now, but wes and his buddies will take him out every now and then because they feel bad for him. but suffice it to say that talking to that guy is a trip. well and then he was drinking too ugh. then we go over to this bar, which, by the time we leave ive had 6 beers and a verrrryyy strong jack and coke. im feeling good. oooo boy am i feeling good. should i have stopped there? most definitely. but can a girl turn down free 40oz ice cold beer. no. no she cannot. we went to the conert. It was awesome, lots of rocking and rolling, and i actually had a really good time. However, walking out of the venue was just about the last clear thing i remember. apparently the boys let me drive for a while, and then were like nope...we are going to die. so end up riding in the backseat of my own car. sweet. my next clear memory is rolling down the window and proceeding to puke out of my own car. awesome. apparently we went to another bar, where i puked my guts out, and then proclaimed that i wanted to go back to wausau. at this point its like 3am and wes is like...yeah... we are sooo not going back to wausau tonight. and im like fuck. what are we going to do??? so what do we end up doing? sleeping at his house. thaaaaats right my friends, never met his parents, and yet i end up sleeping in his bed at their house. apparently he called in advance to say we were coming and they were like cool...whatever...we sleep in his bedroom and im wearing a tank top and skanky panties so every now and then im like ooo boy i hope his dad doesn't come in here and see my skanky panties. now wes is hilarious when he is drunk. just seriously hilarious. and frisky, like every other drunk. and hes like ooo if we were at my apartment right now i'd sooo be fucking the shit out of you. and i turn and im like ...uh..ok drunky.. and then he goes FUCK i said that out loud??? dammiiiit. and im like its cool dude, i puked out the side of a car. ha ha. this morning reaches us and his dad knocks on the door and is like uh...you need to get up...b/c they were going to minocqua today. so we get up and im like oh. fuck. i get to meet your dad. awesome. at least his mom was out of town (there is a god). so we emerge from his room, looking far from fantastic as you might imagine. and his dad is like the drunks emerge!! and gives me fruit and yogurt and makes me eggs and is soooo nice. and im trying so hard to be like im not a slut/psycho/alcoholic crazy girl, please looove me! and we chat back and forth for like 30 minutes and hes like jen you're so motivated, you're wonderful. and the whole time im like you can't be serious. im a freaking drunk. and im in your house. and hes just like if you guys ever need a ride you just call us up and we will pick you up, we dont want anything to happen. it was so nice. now this is all compiled with the fact that his dad is a crisis manager for juvies and his mom is an alcohol counselor (which we all had a BIG laugh over). but all in all it wasn't horrible. if his mom had been there though, im sure i would have had a panic attack. completely positive. so we drive back to wausau and the whole time in the car, even through the hangover fog, wes is trying to get on me, and im like jesus christ boy, you must either still be drunk or really like me to want me when im absolutely disgusting, and driving a car that has VOMIT ALL OVER THE SIDE OF IT. it was disgusting. i had to take my car through the gas station washer twice. lord. later im talking to wes on the phone today when he gets to minocqua and im like please tell your dad thank you for letting me crash and for being so nice etc etc. and hes like no...he liked you sooo much, he wants you to come back and hang out and stuff. i could have cried. it was pretty much miraculous. whew.

in other news, amy is coming to town tomorrow and we best all be a'chilling. she is amazing and you will all love her, and be so jealous that she is not your roommate!!!
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