Jun 18, 2007 16:32
life in wausau is... life in wausau.
it's getting better, i feel as though we are settling in more, but still bring me back to freaking LAWRENCE!
to which i say, if the mountain won't come to muhammed (aka jen). jen will go to the mountain.
catch my drift?
probably not.
im thinking sometime we should road trip for a sweet fun filled weekend in the big ks. you will love it, i will love it, it will be fabulous.
my roommie/love of my life, amy is apartment hunting for us currently so we won't have to (ick) live in the dorms again, so hopefully when she finishes her search we could go down and chekc it out....
also my spleen is out of control again... as in i have to sleep half straddling a pillow to avoid pressure on it. which as actually pretty comfy, you should try it out. almost as good as sleeping with someone ;)
but miracle of miracles i got an appointment tomorrow with hot doctor. so im pumped. well sort of.
ha ha... woodchucks game tonight, but i just heard thunder.... hmmm i hope it doesn't get rained out, ill be sad! call me up, melody and i lunched today = fabulous.