Nov 06, 2005 10:38
aside from all the schoolwork i have, and the current drama going on in my house, it seems like life has settled down a lot and i'm not going crazy most of time. which is kind of a relief. it's hard work being miserable.
this week will be very busy. the finals are playing a show at maxwells on thursday, and me and mike (and his little brother and shaz!!) are all going to go, which should be good times. and friday is my "let's get schnott drunk" party here at rutgers (you're invited, unless you are a lurker in which case you're not). and i have two exams and a paper due. but i keep reminding myself there's only a month a half, really, left in this semester and then school won't be so hard.
next semester, if i get the tentative schedule i've made, i will be taking some fun classes, including women and art, communication and popular music, and WINE TASTING!! yes friends, after next semester i may move up from drinking franzia. but i doubt it.
this weekend was nice, as it included me getting enough sleep. the only cruddy part was going home and cathy telling me i looked chubby which means starting now i have to stop eating taylor ham egg and cheeses all the time, and gorging myself in the dining hall with agnes. no good!!
speaking of food, i cant wait for thanksgiving. it MAY be my faovorite holiday, for reasons i am stealing from agnes: no stress of giving gifts, and an entire day dedicated to eating good food. my aunt makes a five or six course meal on thanksgiving, all from scratch and whatnot. we all look forward to it bc she's such a fantastic cook... the day of eating starts around 3 and doesnt end for a long long time. in between eating we take naps, watch football, and argue. it's a very nice day.
can you tell im a fatass? i just spend an entire paragraph talking about how my favorite day is one where i spend the entire day eating and laying around. sigh.
anyways im off to be productive. goodbye!