Title: Nighttime
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Characters: Yuugi Mutou, Katsuya Jonouchi, The Other Yuugi.
Genre: Friendship
It was when night fell that she had time to herself. She could think thoroughly on the matters of the day, the things in her life that went beyond the life-threatening, but also the petty, without the cards, shadow games, or even the prying eyes of her friends to distract her. It was her time of solace, of peace, as she would speak to her Other Self, savoring his wisdom and advice...
But these moments were often interrupted by the sound of a stone tapping against the window, as Jonouchi was, once again, locked out of his apartment for the night.
Title: Skirt
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Characters: Yuugi Mutou, Miho Nosaka, The Other Yuugi
Genre: Humor
Yuugi was not, by any means, 'weak'...though then again, she wasn't exactly a walking spine, either. She held her tongue, often bending to her friends' whims with nary a complaint...
But even she had to let out a cry of indignance at the skimpy number that Miho had suggested she wear, and her Other Self's words of approval were not helping, damn it.
Title: Meetings and Misconceptions
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Characters: Yuugi Mutou, Hiroto Honda
Genre: Romance / Humor
Pairing: One-sided Girl!Yuugi x Honda
The two had met on a Sunday at the arcade, when Yuugi was thirteen (thirteen with the look of a nine-year-old); Yuugi with her wrist grabbed by potential pervert number eighty-three (why, why why did she have to attract all the old loli-loving perverts--it was like she was a magnet for them), and Honda with his fist embedded in the face of said pervert.
Yuugi had blushed then, unsure what to say at the first non-Jonouchi-pervert-rescue of her life. She didn't even know this guy, and yet he had run out and rescued her; normally, the only assistance other people her age gave her was helping the bullies lock her in the girls' bathroom...
"Th-Thank you..." Yuugi said, cursing her lack of social skills and her inability to make a coherent sentence at the same time.
"No big." Her rescuer frowned a little. "That was a close shave, though. Are you okay, kid? You didn't get separated from your mom or anything, did you?"
Yuugi puffed out her cheeks. "I'm not a kid! I'm thirteen years old!"
Now it was her rescuer's turn to be unable to make a coherent sentence.
Title: Fear is Fascinating...
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Characters: Yuugi Mutou, Katsuya Jonouchi
Genre: Slight Romance, Friendship
Pairing: Jonouchi x Girl!Yuugi if you squint.
The game had seemed innocent enough: you were a girl stuck in a giant mansion, and you had to escape before the serial killer got you first. Yuugi had wanted to try this game for a while, and it wasn't until recently that she managed to save enough money to buy it.
But maybe she shouldn't have asked Jonouchi to come over while she was playing it. Even though the Serial Killer hadn't made an appearance yet, already Yuugi could feel him squeeze up to her, hands on her shoulders which was not because he was scared, damn it, why would he be scared? It was just a stupid game, and Yuugi was the girl, and girls got scared of horror games and scary movies, not men.