Yu-Gi-Oh! Drabble -- "Tactics"; Puzzle!Miho verse

Mar 06, 2010 23:47

Title: Tactics
Characters: Miho Nosaka, the Nameless Pharaoh, Yuugi Mutou
Genre: General
Rating: G
Summary: Everyone had their own way of dueling. Miho was no exception
Note: I admit, Divine Grace -- Northwemko is a relatively new card for the 5Ds series, but since it's a single ritual card (which is a Light Spellcaster, to boot), I figured I could let it slide just this once. I sort of imagine her as the opposite to Yami's Dark Magician, as with Miho and Yami, I imagine a sort of Light-and-Dark theme going on with not only their personalities, but their decks as well.
Written to: The Odin Sphere Theme, by Noriko Kawahara

Everyone had their patron cards. The Spirit of the Millennium Puzzle was a good example--there wasn't a duel when the Dark Magician hadn't shone within his deck, bringing himself onto the battlefield and claiming victory for his wielder with all the efficiency of the most well-trained soldier. His dark monsters, alongside his brutal tactics, were well descriptive of his own harsh, unrelenting personality. He may have inherited a woman's body, but his technique was anything but, his card choices a dead giveaway to anyone who knew his host personally that he was most certainly not the feminine creature that she was.

His tactics were straightforward, strong...

Nothing like hers.

"Because her Marshmallon and Chaos Command Magician are on the field, Miho's Divine Grace can't be destroyed!"

It was almost disturbing how the girl could smile like that, especially when everyone in the room knew that she was going to be beaten again. Yuugi was one of the only duelists who the Spirit considered a decent challenge, and Miho was nowhere near his level. She was still a beginner, a child in the face of adults. The light deck he had helped her construct was well-suited to her personality and tactics on the dueling field, but she was nowhere near the level of being able to wield it properly and well...

She had even complained about some of her cards not being cute. Who cared if Chaos Command Magician wasn't 'cute', if he was protected from monster effects?! As far as Light Spellcasters went, he was one of the best.

"And," Miho said, still smiling, "My summon activates my trap card, "Gift of the Mystical Elf." Miho gains 1500 life points because there are 5 monsters on the field! Miho's at 2600 now!"

"And Yuugi's at 3000."

"Yuu," she pouted, "don't be so mean! I know he's at 3000! But Miho's going to win this time!"

"Um, Miho..." Yuugi's fingers touched his trap card, fingering the surface a little. "I'm sorry to say it, but um..."

He turned the card over.

"Torrential Tribute."

yu-gi-oh!, miho x atem

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