Fixing Running Issues

Oct 30, 2007 20:52

As part of my rehab from a stress fracture, I did a gait analysis with my sports medicine doctor today.  She videotaped me running on a treadmill and then watched it to determine how to prevent future injuries.  My biggest problems are that I overpronate and run with a heel strike.  I've also got weak gluteal muscles (and are imbalanced) and over-rotate my shoulders.

To correct this:

1. Develop a  midfoot strike: before running, I have to sit down and feel what it's like to hit my midfoot rather than the heel first.

2. Strengthen side abdominal muscles: run 4 x 50 meter sprints with arms above head to stop shoulders from rotating.

3. Strengthen gluteal muscles: lay on stomach, raise one leg with knee bent 90 degrees, then use glutes to raise leg about 3"

4. Heel flips: Sit on couch and put knees together.  Then rotate ankles out while keeping the knees together.  This is strengthening the muscles on the inside of my ankle.

5. Stretch calves: roll up a towel and put on the floor.  Then put feel on towel so that ankles are supine.  Lean against wall to stretch calves and other areas.


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