Sep 19, 2008 10:24
i love pumpkin pie cheesecake. mmmmmm!!! someone by me a whole thing of that and i swear i will kill it within 2 days. haha.
school had actually been hella busy.. and it just started! I like it though.. finally getting involved in hella shit. Katrina and I were initiated into Alpha Phi Omega so this semester is gonna be filled with community service to complete the pledging process.. im probably gonna run for pledge president cuz you know how i am.. like being in control and shit. hahaha jk.. but really tho. Applied for magis which is this leadership organization. Kasamahan meetings started and friendship games in october! I start tutoring kids this coming up week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Applying for the immersion trip going to either Peru or Kenya in the spring. Working on lone mountain mondays and wednesday.. and still applying for a second job. this is whats been on my plate thus far this semester.. and im sure more will be added to that list. busy busy busy. no time for bullshit.. just the way i like it.
this morning im meeting with my adviser to hopefully start the process of changing my major and declaring a minor. right now im an Entrepreneurship major (yes, that major really exists) but i want to change that to business management. i also want to minor in politics. so hopefully everything goes smoothly so this can be possible. we shall see.
Alright well its time to pack, meet with my adviser, then head back home to the eastbay.
yipeeeeeeeeeeee. blah.