Sep 13, 2005 09:58
If you think your Civic is at the point of diminishing returns, you might want to consider trading it in for a new reliable one (of course, the insurance will increase). I think the hybrids are interesting, for about $3,000 extra. I don't recall what the Civic hybrids cost, maybe $23,000, if you can find one?
You have about $10-11,000 left in your college fund, plus whatever you could get for the trade-in, and we could maybe supplement the rest. Keep this in the back of your mind, if you think you're at that point of decreasing returns (too many things needing repairs).
I'll plan on seeing Lisa at Elizabethton Fed a few days before we leave for DC and get the paperwork for your 2005 Roth IRA and bring it up for you to sign.