Two vaguely important topics today.
I forgot someone VERY IMPORTANT in my previous
meme on the subject:
Link. I've had a crush on him since Game 1, as his little ten-year-or-however-old self.* [If that sounds pedophilicious, mind how old I was at the time.] In every iteration of the game, he's been a total hottie or, at the very least, adorable [Wind Waker/Minish Cap], and extra AWESOME points that he's a werewolf now :D Most importantly, he started my perpetual fascination with being left-handed.
Thing is, I habitually find myself consciously or unconsciously doing things left-handed as of late [I am right-handed], especially because in high school we had a music teacher who was right-handed but lost his right hand to a little below the elbow when he was nine, and I've feared becoming near-useless if a similar fate should befall me. Some things, naturally, end up being only possible to do right-handed, such as use a common can-opener [left-handed can-openers are difficult to find just anywhere], but almost everything else is at least manageable, though somewhat difficult to figure out at first. I've even done some basic chalk shading in Figure Drawing left-handed, although I had to work on a larger scale to do so.
What frustrates me the most is not actually doing things left-handed, but doing them successfully enough to be able to consider myself remotely ambidextrous. It's much easier for lefties to become ambidextrous, out of being repressively forced to do things right-handed. I actually feel left behind [hah!] by being defaulted into the majority group, because I've been left [hah again!] with less motivation to force ambidextrosity on myself... sort of how few Americans feel inclined to learn other languages, because we don't "need" to learn them, unlike all the immigrants who need at least a rough approximation of English to survive in this country.
Majority rule = laziness! WHAT. |:p
*Tenuously related, topic two:
There's been a small debate going about the Mushihimetama [puzzle game parody of Mushihimesama]
Reko paper doll being borderline or maybe not-so-borderline NOT WORK SAFE pedophilia, on the basis that even though there's no detail, she's naked and supposed to be fifteen years old, and that being turned on by such a drawing is morally questionable.
The way I figure it, you have to use
Anthrocon's Art Show guidelines [paraphrased badly but basically correctly, so I don't have to look it up]:You CANNOT say that "oh, that's a seven-hundred-year-old elf and a sentient horse," because a judge will look at it and see a child having sex with a horse.
The artist can SAY Reko is fifteen or ninety-seven or three-and-a-half years old, but however old she looks to the viewer is how old she looks. I happen to think she looks borderline legal [depending on the viewer's country], so I don't see a terrible issue, particularly since she's a damn cartoon instead of a physical person. Mind you, if it was her six-year-old version--which is very obviously a child-like rendering--I'd have problems with it, even being a drawing.
Part of the problem is that there's not really a distinction between "child pornography" as in "ten years and under" and "child pornography" as in "pre-teen to barely legal" yet... there ought to be to clear some of this up, particularly when you get the rare case of some vindictive mother or whoever busting her daughter's boyfriend for having pictures of he and the daughter having sex when the daughter is fifteen and he just turned eighteen... granted, they ought to have known better than photograph themselves, but it seems cruel to abuse the system like that.
I forget where I heard that story. It might be a lie, but odds are it happened anyway, knowing people. The point is why the hell is it such a huge abrupt change from, "Yesterday, you were a mere child, but today, you are an ADULT!!!"? Does one day really make THAT huge a difference??, I did make myself colour last night, though I'm still quite a bit off from finishing. I was going to stay up today, but it turns out Neopets was being evil and updated the weekly Lenny Conundrum while I was still stuck at work, despite having "no excuse" to be there after six [as per usual], so I'm out another trophy THIS week as well!
Well, I should get tubes and alfalfa, anyway... or some sort of hay-like substitute thereof. The babies seem to like that a lot... chewed up the straw nests I got them in under a day o_O
I also picked up Sin City after all--I was a bit disappointed by the Hartigan/Nancy and Jack/...whoever covers at first, because they look kind of naff, but then today I saw there are actually two more: Dwight/Gail and Marv/Wendy[/Goldie].
Naturally, I yoinked the one with the lefty! XD [Marv/Wendy[/Goldie]]
More useless filler crap: Somehow, Y2 is still my favourite of the HP movies, in part because Daniel Radcliffe forgot that Harry is right-handed ;) but also because it's the only one I have seen [and will see] in movie format before reading the book... I don't know why that is, I just really liked 2 more than 1 or 3. This may change with Y4, but we'll see in November :3