Day Eleven:

Apr 18, 2004 10:10

The problem is that I want to chronicle everything IMPORTANT[ish], and that's always difficult to judge until well afterwards... though I'm obviously avoiding posting things like5:30p - Wake up
5:40p - Take out earplugs
5:45p - Actually get out of bed
5:46p - Wander into bathroom
5:48p - Take pill for day
5:49p - Eat a gummy vite
5:50p - Brush teeth
6:00p - Ponder dinner
6:15p - Attempt to eat
6:30p - Go online instead
9:45p - Realize what time it is
10:00p - Get lunch ready
10:15p - Leave for work
10:32p - Arrive at work and put lunch in fridge
10:33p - Clock in
10:38p - Finally get a PDT since they never manage to stay in the same place
10:40p - Start autopulls
10:41p - Have to change battery
10:43p - Change battery
10:44p - Find someone else trying to pull my batch
12:25a - Maybe finish autopulls enough to start on backstock
12:26a - Locate backstock to work on
12:30a - Locate pallet jack
12:31a - Take backstock into backroom
12:35a - Finally find a location for annoying oversized box that does not fit anywhere
12:38a - Find unmarked clearance to set aside
1:05a - Find damages to set aside
1:45a - Get headache from Crap Rap "Hip Hop"
2:01a - Clock out for lunch
2:02a - Eat lunch
2:05a - Start game of Reversi on phone
2:10a - Wail Reversi AI
2:15a - Get wailed by Reversi AI
2:35a - Remember to clock back in from lunch and begin paid break
2:36a - Wait in line to clock in
2:38a - Clock in from lunch
2:48a - Head back to work
3:54a - Remember unmarked clearance spotted day before and decide to look for it after work
4:32a - Finish batch of backstock
4:34a - Happen to see item of interest and check its price
4:36a - Locate more backstock
4:40a - Locate pallet jack
4:41a - Take backstock to backroom
5:30a - Rearrange annoying jumble of items to allow more items to fit
5:35a - Remember how much more backstock there still is and forget trying to fix anything more
6:20a - Get splintery things in shirt from debris/floormats/whatever
7:42a - Wonder how much more backstock there is and how long it will take to finish
8:45a - Give up and call it a day without bothering to see what more is left perhaps just out of sight
8:47a - Clock out for the day
8:48a - Grab lunchbag and coat [if applicable]
8:49a - Shop
8:56a - Become disappointed when clearance item spotted before is missing
8:57a - Pick up in-stock item of interest
9:01a - Check out
9:02a - Leave work
9:17a - Arrive home
9:18a - Put away lunch items
9:19a - Turn on computer
9:22a - Finish NeoPets rounds
9:43a - Finish all other online rounds, in order
9:44a - Turn off computer
9:45a - Shower
9:57a - Towel off
10:00a - Eat gummy vite
10:01a - Dry my hair
10:25a - Finish drying
10:27a - Brush teeth
10:29a - Put in earplugs
10:30a - Go to bed
11:00a - Fall asleep
Granted, I'm a little off the schedule today, but it's only a rough overview... I'd have a tough time trying to do exactly the same thing every day XD and it's also why I don't really write much up lately, though I know I should.

Shame about that clearance throw, though. Nice thick down one for $5 for Ash to sleep on :C Wai! I got a tablecloth for $2-something, of course, which is not as useful at the moment but still nice to have.


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