4621: Who Are You

Jun 13, 2013 00:08

I feel inexplicably competitive when it comes to a specific license, such that though I am a mere fan, I feel compelled to "outdo" everyone else on the scene... maybe you know what I'm talking about, but it doesn't matter. My main point is I'm perpetually at this bizarre crossroads where I want to do ALL THE THINGS for X, where X is a thing I have nothing to do with other than liking it--even when my midlife crises have been steering me toward getting on track with comic, if for no other reason than so I can move on to OTHER COMIC =p

I feel down when my fan pictures get more attention than my original work, but somehow I feel particularly down when my fan pictures get no attention, either! I'm not sure how that works |=o [although, for what I'm thinking about specifically, that picture actually EXPLODED with notes--on ONE site--and got nothing elsewhere, so maybe it's just that I fail to properly advertise myself]

But I don't know what I want anymore... except to stop feeling so gaddamned tired all the time =_= [C will tell you that I'm not sleeping as much as I used to do, but--to be honest--I felt just as tired when I slept more and more regularly, except for the initial GROG upon waking before I'm ready to get up...] I understand in my brain that other people are successful because they FOCUS, instead of having a billion interests tearing their attention apart, but I understand in my heart
  1. I don't crave fame [something that successful people end up getting somehow], and
  2. I feel happier when I get to just brush things off without consequence, despite feeling my biological clock ticking, as it were [out of awareness that I will die someday and if I don't get things down, these stories will be lost FOREVAR vs. the more popular "THERE'S NO MOAR TIME I NEED KIDS NAOW!!!1" interpretation].
There are so many little things aggravating me that I often forget very specific ones when I start to write them all down. One of them is whoever's been picking the loose tabbed folders for the [employee] personnel files--my instincts say Ruok, but I saw Miss Priss choose the wrong ones, so I'm not really sure, since I don't know who did the majority of the files. Now, for contractor folders, I understand getting the odd folder wrong, because they get inserted and taken out at random, so trying to avoid putting the same tabs next to each other is practically unavoidable [particularly when many folders are misplaced], but for employee files, there are generally only three to worry about, so it's simple to take one of each tab: left, center, and right.

Miss Priss takes ALL LEFT.

If you don't file often, you may not see what the problem is. Here's the thing: Tabbed folders exist so that the tabs are easy to spot, so finding a specific folder is fast. If they're, for instance, ALL LEFT tabs, the folders behind aren't as quickly visible. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you ever spend ALL DAY FILING, every little corner cut is a blessing.

...which isn't to say I'm actually saving that much time at work when the folders are correctly arranged--in fact, I'm blowing a lot of it REFILING and RELABELLING, given the fiasco of trying to recover files from off-site storage [where we have shitloads of boxes descriptively labelled, e.g., "REALLY OLD STUFF," "MISC. JOE OFFICE," and "RANDOM CRAP FROM SHELF"]. Hey, if I'm putting shit away, I wanna find what I want without having to dig and dig and dig years later like we're doing now for these fucking audits [thanks a lot, Hobble, for working here then filing for unemployment under not-your-legal-name].

...oh yeah the subject line is from sitting down with dinner to "Call of the Cutie"--because, if nothing else, my curiosity about "Doctor Whooves" [née Time Turner or something] was piqued, but I was disappointed to find it was just an in-joke cameo. [I shoulda known better, really, but somehow I was thinking more Venture Bros. and less MLP, which would've at least explained bronyism to my satisfaction were it the other way around.]

[[As it is, NOPE, I DON'T LIKE IT.]]

[[[which is to say, it seems to be a fine little girls' show, and I think brony-hate over Twinkle Princess Sparklybutt is as hilariously misguided as Game of Thrones Red Wedding hate--YOU PEOPLE SHOULD'VE KNOWN WHAT YOU WERE GETTING INTO]]]

So you can't say I didn't give it a chance. Not a fan of the aesthetic, not a fan of the characters, not engaging enough [for me] to justify spending time going out of my way to watch another show that is not The Venture Bros. or MythBusters. I would challenge the fans of you to propose a better episode to have started from [fully aware of the yard sale episode being the one that hooked us on Venture Bros.], but it's sorta like how C's a little burned on furry publications because he started with Albedo--where do you go when you start at the top? [Usagi Yojimbo, and.................?] Most GOOD works [Amulet] lean toward "happen to have furries in them" than solid furry, and when he says Ozy & Millie wanted to be Calvin & Hobbes too much--well, I really don't know how to argue that. Point being that even if you show me a REALLY GOOD MLP:FIM ep., in the back of my mind I'll be thinking, "Welp, that was the one good episode, huh. No reason to watch the rest."

I have been trying to finally create a Steam account, but somehow the Minzoku curse persists--I have only been able to secure "minzoku" as a username on minzoku, FA, and Neopets. On EVERY OTHER SITE I consider using, where I WANT to use it, the name's either taken, or something fucks up in the sign-up process, and it's irrevocably lost because customer service can't/doesn't want to reset it or whatever. I'm thinking the latter is what's happened on Steam, because it was listed as available UP TO when I signed up, then when the anti-bot security thing failed, it bugged, and now it's "Not available!" >=C

I really really REALLY would rather have Minzoku than anything else, but come Friday and Steam Helpdesk* doesn't get back to me, I guess I'll be sign-up spamming until I get one that works, 'cause that's when the sale's ending AND when I get a significant chunk of time to try to blast through Dust again [really the only reason I'm Steaming being I want some screencaps, and that's the easiest method, though I figure I may as well finally get the Penny Arcade games since they're a shitload cheaper than on XBLA or wherever [though I see Nancy Drew is on there, too, but if I wait long enough, they'll be $5 a game in a bundle AND I'll more likely have time to play by then]].

*Well, I guess I have Minzoku as a HELPDESK username... yay, separate helpdesk account pfff 9_9

so..... I dunno....... broccoli

argh, internety, games, sucks, ihateinventory, telly, complainy, arty, bother, workcrap, seepy, lazy, letdown, self-loathing

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