4311: Capricorn (A Brand New Name)

Aug 07, 2012 01:07

Summary: Least irritating birthday in recent history? Perhaps!

[There's some stuff about getting our ass to Mars [our collective posterior from which we all sprout, yes], but I don't know how much I can say about it more than WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO]

[[[well, I guess I can post this:]]]

[[[[Incidentally, the subj. is partly sarcastic, since Capricorn is associated with Saturn, but That'sTheJoke.jpg]]]]

Dinner: The Friday luncheon was sushi--or so I heard through the grapevine, as there was none left to scavenge =( so I had sushi on the brain [ordinarily, my default "special occasion" dinner is crabs and lobsters, but my father has been threatening to use the Red Lobster giftcards I sent him and my mother for birthday/Mother's/Father's day since they otherwise haven't used them because they've been trying out new restaurants and there's a limited subset of giftcards I can get that I know they can use... so I figured that would be my "yearly lobster" for when they visit [*yearly in as far as I can't justify buying it more often than that]].

Anyway, we went here =9

It was... okay? I guess for mall food, it's on the higher end, but I feel like I've had better for less [though Casey bought]. To be fair, we were kinda at the end of the conveyor as well as towards closing, so we kinda got scraps by comparison [though tasty scraps], and though I had four plates' worth, I didn't quite fill up due to threat of cakes... but perhaps a second visit is due =3 [one where I'm less guilted by potential spending limits, as it were, as I'll be paying my share]

BGN: Nostril City again--we mostly played correctly this time [I forgot it's only one colour per "Get Money" phase and cashed in on both my colours-only Turfs for most of the game], but Casey won due to the same last-minute FBI Snitch maneuver... though in reverse, because C decided to stack the jury with negatives "to make it more exciting" =( and getting a Snitch card would be the only guaranteed way to win...

Note to self: "get 1 of whatever's left after Auction phase" isn't that great when it means getting crap instead of Vendettas... -_- BUT OH WERR

...OH ALSO Ruok put in her two weeks, she said =o which... I dunno. I'm not that crazy about her, and it sounds like her life is where anything that would even *maybe* improve her lot is preferable to being annoyed by the current post. On the other hand, no idea who will replace her.

Me? PFFFFFFF XB [point: C said not to turn my nose up at a potential permanent position, but considering the way the business has been going, I really don't see such a position being THAT "permanent"... so while I would like to finish out my advertised contract, I would NOT like to make the receptioning thing a habit, not for all the free lunches on Fridays]

I still have that collar thing to write up, but I think the experiment is continuing, given my "collar reflexes"--so I think it'll be delayed even without my being busy as hell [napping] =p We'll see, I have so much on my plate that shouldn't be on my plate that I barely get more done than a few Tweets and/or Faceache updates... mostly because they're brainless, and I like to put some amount of effort into LJ entries. [Goop has been languishing for reasons including that it's irritating/impossible to cross-post from my own page, plus that I'm posting publicly as me and feel inclined to police my thoughts by comparison.]

Prolly will try to see Batman Gets Up soon! I apparently missed Avengers in theatre, but not missing the Bats! >=( [mostly defiance against the Aurora shooter but also I just wanna finish the trilogy on the silver screen]

foody, arty, workpoliticrap, birfday, writey, spacy

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