4259: The Island - Pt. I (Dawn)

Jun 16, 2012 02:14

Well, that was a week.


I think.

- barely any art
- buying pants [unfortunately necessary]
- receptioning [SUCKS]

On the last item, Thursday was particularly hairy, because I'm perpetually underprepared for anything I do--apparently. ALL THE VISITORS came then, which nearly exhausted the badge stock [minus the broken ones I didn't want to give out and anyway why aren't they replaced since they seem to be so easy to make], some of which [visitors] did not sign in/out properly [I found out today]. It's kinda hard to describe just how many things went wrong, though nothing awful but still pretty "Why did all this shit have to happen on Ruok's FIRST DAY OFF" X(

Today, NOTHING. No calls, no visitors... there was a flub where I forgot where the luncheon stuff was supposed to go, but that was easily moved... about the most hassle was when Falco noticed the "visitors didn't sign in/out properly" thing that would get us in trouble in an audit, but we mostly figured it out [two signed in but never got badges because Jitters* just spoke to them in the lobby].

*It's bad of me to call him that, but it's the most memorable trait... =/ No, I don't know if it's due to coffee, nervousness, or physical impairment, and it kinda doesn't matter.

Ruok's advice is kinda falling flat, though, but I don't know how much of it is on me. I try to say "Good morning" or "Hello" to people who come in [I don't know why "Good afternoon" sounds weird to me, but it does], but I forget people's names until about three seconds too late to sound pre-emptive, and I hate trying to greet people who don't make eye contact with me... *shrug* I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong [or if I am?], but it's a good thing my job doesn't depend on this.

Still falling mad asleep at work. I think I'd do better if I did a shift that incorporated my more awake times [most of the hours after full sunset--regulated light levels seem to help my awakeness], but I'm pretty sure while I *could* shift my schedule like that, it wouldn't be that much more of a help, since my boss wouldn't be around.

Also, I feel like I'd just end up sleeping more than I do now and getting less done.

At least C's doing well, from the sound of it--the worst is the traffic he's had to put up with getting to the training shift, plus the "pack a billion cars into five spaces" parking arrangement I'd been lucky enough to figure out how to avoid at NIH [insert photo I can't find that I was sure I took once but whatever]. That should change next week, but we'll see.

I still want to get some kind of job upgrade, but I don't know how to do that from my place in life. Unless I can get over this "I can't work to customers' spec" hurdle =| [pretty sure I could get a graphic design job, but it would be 100x more stress for slightly better pay from what piddling listings I've seen]

...was pretty sure I had something of more substance to say there, but I can't remember it for the life of me.

Oh, also, Clive Barker's Clive Barker's Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker is pretty awful--the hitch seems to be it's about creepy sex. Pretty much the worst kinks imaginable, he's tried to describe.

And yet it's still tame by furry standards... -_- Well, except the mutilation--don't think I've seen that [but I don't intentionally go looking or anything].


oh I remember it was a thing about Tropes vs. Women (in Video Games), that's a post for another day 'cause it's too late today =_= [I add my not-entirely-but-maybe-a-little-surprising $.02 about being on the feminine end of the controversy]

[[and if that gets ME all kinds of threats of abuse, that's completely fucked up and sad]]

[[[but I trust you guys so ♥ DON'T RUIN IT PEAS]]

antisocially, booky, internety, sucks, ihatework, bother, seepy, self-loathing

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