4244: Ivy League Circus

Jun 01, 2012 01:35

Despite my best procrastinatory efforts [and crappy, corner-cutting "dramatic" lighting], I got the latest comic up--though it's still sort of grating, the selection of automated image hosts I have at my disposal [I'm hesitant to go back to Comicgenesis or whatever they're called now 'cause I'm fundamentally opposed to unscreened [by me] ads at the expense of functionality even though for all I know there are Tumblr and Blogger ads and I can't see them somehow but maybe I'm just being dense and should put up with it for the convenience of an intuitively-navigated sequential art script]. I really need to acquire [through forcing myself to learn code and/or hiring somebody] a dynamic page generator so I can host it all on-site, but that's more time I have less of until I'm unemployed again.

...which somehow makes it aggravating that I AM NOT DONE with my current assignment \=' but it feels like if there's a definite, nonrenewable end in sight, that sort of makes me feel like I should be preparing for a permanent move vs. trying to drag out my present stint [and potentially NOT finish before they decide I'm too expensive for what it's worth, which hurts me when it's time for references]...


I know spinning wheels is progress, in terms of "I am still able to survive, and that's the goal that matters most" sense, but the clock keeps ticking on that career crossroads thing. Do I want to keep wondering what my next job will be? When? Wouldn't I like to be able to sod off on occasion without feeling like my job security is hurt by it [as I have always been afraid to do until such a time as job permanence has been established]?

Actually, after I started reading 21: Bringing Down the House, I realized I wanted to eat sushi every day and not end up destitute and living in a cardboard box from it. How do I make that happen? |=( [note: NOT BY COUNTING CARDS I KNOW BETTER]

Yes, I realize the most obvious course of action is courses [of... education...], or trying to do something with that Engineering degree I have but remember not nearly enough of to fake my way into a permajob [against all criticism of my career path oblivious to the trials I endured just scraping by to get that nonrepresentative-of-my-skills piece of paper]. I just don't know what I'm supposed to say to people to get them to give me money for my efforts.

I did find in the stuff I was scanning a "How to interview people" worksheet--which I copied for reference--and it gives a lot of obvious red flags/advice: "The candidate is big on adjectives but is unable to back them up./Listen to the way he forms his answer--you want to hear details of how he gets more done in a day than others do, not just that he stays late at the office night after night." "The candidate 'really wants to work for your company' but can't articulate why./Ideally, she should be able to identify the major players in your industry and what sets you apart from them."

As I said, though, I don't know what to do as the candidate. I've done the research on companies, and I never remember anything I want to ask [I know I should write notes, but it's like so much HOMEWORK after a while--yes, I know that's the idea, but studying SO MUCH for a job I'm not likely to get is SO DAUNTING, and it's depressing working so hard and getting nothing to show for it]. There's almost always a question I don't know how to answer, and I just blank out. I even have a difficult time describing what I did at my prior jobs, even when I was really good at it.

I just do things. Explaining myself is hard.

[There's a tie-in to an article about Why Rich People Succeed, but I don't feel like looking for it and writing all that up, especially this late after Stupid O'Clock.]

So I made a follow-up to the prior thing--it's the same rule, so if you figured out the other, you can get this in <2 seconds [or LESS THAN THREE if you like]:
alas = 0 or 2 depending on your settings
barf = 1 or 2 depending on your settings
city = 0
deep = 2
evil = 0
food = 3
good = 4
help = 1
ibex = 1
jump = 1
kick = 0
leer = 0
manx = 0 or 1 depending on your settings
nope = 2
oboe = 3
peek = 1
qoph = 3
rude = 1
shoe = 1
tree = 0
undo = 2
veer = 1
wolf = 1
xray = 0 or 1 depending on your settings
yawn = 0 or 1 depending on your settings
zomg = ???
No rhyme or reason, just felt like it. This one may also be easier 'cause I'm an idiot [the "depending on your settings" part]

I was dreading Friday with the comic not being done, but I guess now that it's June [ugh!] AND I managed to eke out something almost resembling a comic, I can relax for a coupla days before starting the cycle anew =/ At least I'm getting some progress on projects that go away [cleaning up messes I shoved in a corner, mostly], but only in moments when I'm really sick of being in front of the computer.

Yay, today's post was even more rambling and incoherent than I thought it'd be -_- Oh, well, tomorrow's a new day.

Also, can't decide what to do with a sheet I found in my scanning work: a printout of lyrics to "Bad to the Bone" ='

ihateresponsibility, organizy, booky, internety, adebuh?, ihatemoney, riddlemethis, workcrap, comicky, lazy, irresponsibly

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