4168: Sighs

Mar 17, 2012 00:53

I have so many things that need to get done that won't for a multitude of reasons.

Reason 1: Last jurbur [Falchion Beta] finally passed on--most likely last night but I was/am at this point too cowardly to do the "good" thing and watch him closely/hold him for comfort in his last moments, had they happened to be when I was awake. I buried him in a spot *maybe* less likely to get dug up than other places I would've put him before they cut down the tree where I buried Vic Viper, but no idea.

Not SAD sad like with the others, prolly because I got all my shock when he started chewing out his stomach tumor, but definitely kinda let down.

*wants a cat*

[You'd think this'd just free up time I would've spent taking care of jurburjurbur, but I do still need to put all his stuff away, vacuum out the room of bits I tended to ignore, do I put it all in storage or where, etc. things I wouldn't have really thought much about until now, and I just have that general malaise now that's making things not fun, especially things that were already not fun in the first place.]

Reason 2: Just feeling run-down... guess I'm getting old, too.

The "nearly finished" comic page I wanted done at the end of LAST month is still only "nearly finished" despite regular work on it [even if one bit a day, still something every day], looking like maybe it won't even be done at the end of THIS month. I think I've figured out a better way to do things, but I feel kind of obligated to keep the style mostly consistent at least through the end of the scene--maybe four or five more pages [almost another year?!]. We'll see, though, since job + daily sketches + eventually having to fix sketches for the next book I wanna do might kill any forward momentum I had.

Reason 3: Taxes = PROCRASTINATION -_- [but I'd better do 'em at SOME point this weekend]

If anyone cared, my last style shift thingie is Hiromu Arakawa [Fullmetal Alchemist]... sort of. Might've been better if I did a character that looked more the part, or higher detail, or ACTUALLY painted vs. digitally painted, but some of it is certain styles just get lost when it's not of the actual characters involved [compare any "Disney" style that's not of Disney characters].

I did try but abandon Sarah Ellerton style [for now] on a completely different card--just wasn't working out the way I expected, though some of it is her "style" seems to change between specific works too much to get a solid grasp of it. At least I got three women's styles to almost balance out the four men's styles, but did I ever have a time finding good ones to use =/ [kinda sucks trying to draw TEH FURREHS [or even full-body shots] in Doonesbury style, for instance]

sad, taxes, arty, death, jurburs, lazy, nocomic

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