the theme, I'm currently not doing a good job of "phoning in" my sketches, as I'm still barely making the deadline [which for me is "post for the day promptly at 12:01a" though that is "early" per the official
Sketch Bet rules I am following nevertheless] and not building a queue as per what I was trying to do prior to starting back at work again.
I've started to wonder if I didn't make the cut primarily because I'm not interested in drawing completely random crap [at best, significant
objects from my stories and/or other places I can link]. I'm prolly hindering myself in a different way, as well, in that the fact I link to something for each sketch per the description I have on the blog, since it means I can't draw from my "Book 3" that I haven't posted anywhere, or the last Nano I started but is awful. Not that Book 3 is awful, just so incomplete as to not be postable.
At any rate, today was the first time I've ever *returned* to work, as in returning to a place from which I was dismissed. The temp agency doesn't quite count, since I don't work there, and while I've certainly returned to the Targets where I used to work, it wasn't in a work capacity.
On the latter, it's interesting that I keep dreaming [literally, the asleep kind, not fantasizing] about returning to Target. As in real life, the Targets I "return" to work at have changed somewhat drastically, though the dream mods usually just include merchandise long out of stock and, for some reason, complete security risks [i.e. I can get into the store through a tunnel without detection].
More recently, I dreamt the Rio Target [the closest one to here] went through major renovations that included a FULL ARCADE D= plus a fancy restaurant overlooking a lake, with part of the restaurant on an anchored boat, besides swanky-funky architecture and a billion other dream nonsensities. It was SO DISAPPOINTING to wake up from that, mostly on account of the arcade =(
I'm starting to wonder about my subconscious, though. It's becoming less of a surprise that I got more regular work with better pay and benefits there than I've been getting certainly in the last year, especially considering I'm actually getting a 50-cents/hr pay CUT by going back to Poker Face's place for these next two weeks, but despite what my subconscious is telling me rationally, I just really can't stand the idea of going back to Target and getting dumped with overtime AGAIN. CONSTANTLY. Even dayside would dump that on me, and salary is less of a concern at my stage in life than free time. *still latched onto that "can afford to wait out the job sitch a bit" mentality*
As for returning to work: Fraidy's still there, despite her claims they would cut her hours [maybe they did, she hasn't blabbed to me about it yet], and she claimed she predicted that I would return. Which... wouldn't have happened if Caketown wasn't run by clowns [or if I'd clued in earlier and taken the now One That Got Away health care data entry post], but I really didn't have anything to say to her about that. Poker Face still has his. I... don't remember what I called I.T. Guy, but he hasn't changed, either [but it's only been a month].
So that leaves the others I never mentioned before, in case you were wondering:
- Chris Hu: so called because he sounds EXACTLY LIKE
Chris Hu. Would be
Chew but I'm stupid.
- Maid: I mean this 100% because she seems to take it upon herself to replace the cleaning crew, that's all. Not related to
this guy.- Doppelganger: ...I dunno. She's also an Asian woman. I didn't really see much of her before, and she even left early today.
- BIG BOSS: [standard El Presidente name, I guess, haven't seen him enough to tag a personality-based name]
...aaaaaaand me =p
No, really, it's a tiny office, people-wise. C asked how big, and I said basically the same size as where he worked before [they closed shop], but with computers filling the same space. I don't HATE working there, but I can't see myself making a career of it, if only because they don't seem to get enough to take on another permie and the permies don't seem excited about giving up their slots.
I... completely neglected to leave time for my assignment =p I know I need to get on the health insurance thing, since everyone's all bonkers about Obama wanting everyone to have insurance, but they even got talking about it at work [minus me, 'cause irrelevant] and if that's not a shove, I don't know what is. Thing is when I was trying out policies before, I couldn't find one that covered my dentist, so I don't know if I need to change dentists or keep looking [not that either's a big deal, but HOMEWORK]. Anyway, I was going to look at at least one place a day until I could make a decision, but I somehow ended up blowing my time on drawing, shredding, and caking =/
Ugh... I need to figure something out. Like, for EVERYTHING. -_- At least I'm actually not exhausted, despite today. You know, despite my job [for now] being pulling out staples, and the box I had to do being comprised of a nearly 1:1 staple-to-page count... ::T_T:: WHUUUT