4109: Insomnia (Monster Mix)

Jan 18, 2012 22:39

These are things I want to write about. *WARNING* May or may not be interesting.

The first order of business today was the phone call at 8:30a* from the temp agency letting me know about a two-week position that opened up, would start Monday. I immediately thought, "Wait, when is Caketown starting?" The agent seemed unconcerned about potential overlap [I don't know if Caketown management changed hands to where they would pass me over for someone else on account of being at another position the day they're finally ready], and I groggily* tried to explain in the best roundabout way I could that I didn't want to possibly be occupied when Caketown wanted me--that is, I blurted out something about something I wanted to work on and I needed time and maybe I'd be available next week but I wanted the week after open.

*keeping in mind my apparent inability to get to bed before 4a... =_=

So I'm starting to worry they're going to fuck something up between now and then and I'll end up back where I was, in which case I may have passed up another potential lead for no good reason... but, while it's what I want and can afford to do, I feel lazy saying, "I don't want to work again until Caketown starts."

If that is, indeed, a guarantee.

The second order of business was a police officer knocking at the door--which is always worrisome, because they never come by just to say, "Oh, we found this cat that needs a home. Do you want it?" or whatever. This time, what he wanted was to inform us that the vacant house next door [to the right, from inside the house and facing the street] was broken into at some point last night, which I'm not sure how they knew if they have to ask around unless the realtors were there every day or something, and did we see/hear anything [no]. We WERE up pretty late, but unfortunately there's only one window facing that way--at ground level and behind some bushes--so we would've had to make a more deliberate effort to check things out than just peeking through the blinds or that.

Anyway, it made us more paranoid that, for instance, not long after there was a green van idling in front of our house [just behind my car] for about half an hour, so we watched them closely. The angle made it difficult to make out the license plate without going out and being obvious, though. I know Dan says even just a dog catching them being there would be deterrent enough, but I still don't like it.

Might be a good time to back up all my crap [and put the backup in an even more hidden hiding place] =p or GET A GUARD

[note: my Shadow but armitige3's S&W--as interesting as they are in fiction, I'm too paralyzed by the real thing to have one in the house [even kinda afraid having knives]]

afeared, sucks, photoy, ihatework, ihatemoney, lolololol, workcrap, whataworld, seepy, nostealies!!1, lazy

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