I ended up a bit late for
today's sketch on account of I baked a cake. Well, among other things, but I think the cake in specific slowed me down the most without being particularly productive. Unless you count that I washed a few dishes while waiting on it to finish, but dishes are NEVER finished.
Today I'll just post this, 'cause I almost lost the source info on account of I guess the original commenter deleted the entry [despite the THOUSANDS of subsequent likes/reblogs]. Luckily, Tumblr threads ALL THE WAY BACK, so as long as I have the patience to go through THREE THOUSAND NOTES, I can find
the original post.
So, what's your first thought when you read that? I guarantee it's been echoed more than THREE THOUSAND TIMES already. It's sort of to the point where I wonder if, due to the nature of the original blog, someone wasn't trolling the Intarwebz, because it's a terrible opinion for an artist to have. [The "using references vs. copying/tracing" thing has been well covered, and I think it's established from the "I know it's totally okay" that it's the former that the OP intended.]
All I will add is that I actually APPRECIATE it when I can see how an artist I admire works. Oh, you use Jack Hamm's How to Draw books? You have a billion photos of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings? You buy/record Animal Planet and watch prairie dogs run in slow-mo to capture their motions? COOL!
The way I see it, the references they use, *I* can use, too. It becomes approachable for me, something less mysterious and unattainable. I admire Stan Sakai as a role model a little more than Range Murata, because I can't quite comprehend how Range Murata works, while Stan's style is something I could comfortably emulate [and have been accused of doing at times]. The mystery breaks down when I can understand how an artist gets from Point A to Point B, and I become less intimidated, less crippled by the idea of there being some boundary I can't break.
Well, besides the usual boundaries of "too much to do in too little time" and/or "laziness" -_-;
Anyway, I have to leave it at that 'cause... because =p At some point I'll try to pick up some of the other topics I've put off, but I don't know when...