Well, I did such a good job that I finished a day ahead of schedule and don't get to work anymore.
[this year]
[[just this year]]
[[[I hope]]]
I mean, it was a two-week contract, and I guess I technically started a day early since they already knew who I was, so I really ended up finishing on time, but my contract was modified to be through year-end is the point.
By contrast, today the third Mugg [3/4] who ruined Christmas [see * below] got accepted for a gig off the bat. Like
this, except they'd never met before. I was a little perplexed when I heard, since the resumé he had me print yesterday was THREE PAGES LONG. AFTER I REMOVED SPACE. [and really could have fit 1.5 but the guy doesn't know how to format a resumé--which *I* do, but I don't have any worthwhile experience to go on mine... so]
But anecdotal evidence does not prove a point, and anecdotes are usually only so because they're so noteworthy [i.e. exceptional to the rule]. Still, following all the resumé R00LZ can regularly fail to get a job, for the reasons I'm floundering, while some hiring agents can read between the R00LZ and see, "Oh yah, I only read the first page of your novel here, but I can tell you're totally overqualified, and we want you on board to help us with something that's been troubling us!"
So Toby's kind of reminding me of
Vice, except about .00000001% as charming [canonically].
[[I might be the only one who gets that, but basically an asshole who can actually back up his arrogance.]]
[[[though really my main thing against Toby is he smokes, although being overly talky regularly gets old fast]]]
*ANYWAY let me sum up:
- Tom and Mum had planned to go down to FL to see Pa Mugg over the holiday, hence the early gift exchange [insert link here]. Shortly after said exchange,
- Toby got kicked out by his gf, presumably over a fight with the in-laws [dad, specifically], so
- Tom and Mum cancelled their trip to help Toby get moved out.
- Pa came up, so it wasn't as though he was abandoned, but the main point is it was a chance for Tom to go there between semesters vs. making Pa do the drive himself. Again.
So Toby's staying here, 'cause he apparently is pursuing a thing in Bethesda simultaneous to the Hagerstown job he just got... so shuttling between two houses vs. staying up there [which I'd prefer, to be frank]. I haven't really been fond of when we've had four people here--one more car + extra dirty dishes--but it's really the smoking thing.
Now I'm gonna get cancer. The plus is Toby totally wants to show off awl his mad chef-ing skillz and cook for us, though he talks at us the whole time. Even after dinner =/
Anyway, I got two? more work references, so at least there's that. I'll have to see about my money tomorrow, though--temp agency doesn't seem to want to mail my checks like I thought they did before. HEY I KNOW IT WAS ONLY TWO WEEKS BUT I'D LIKE MONEY FOR HAVING GONE IN AND BEEN BORED FOR MY TROUBLE XB