I just got a call from the agency asking if I was open for a one-day job tomorrow!
Maybe if I hadn't been jaded by the paperwork from this three-day one... THAT IS BEING PUSHED BACK to the end of the month! X/ [unfortunately, not "extending the job" but "delaying the start of the job"] Granted, "starting tomorrow" means no time for all that paperwork bullshit, but I'm still kinda eh on the idea. Maybe I've been so long out of work I've forgotten how to do it, which makes it even more agonizing filling out the SAME PAPERWORK a million times every time I attempt a new application... not to mention putting my references through the same hoops every time on my behalf, for THREE DAYS OF WORK, REALLY?? >_<
I'd try to back out of it, but it feels late to try, now that the paperwork is already sent and references are being bothered.
Funny thing--the person who called me sounded like and had the same name as the one who was so diligent in finding work for me before... though I was told she'd left. Maybe she was forced to go back? Was taking a sabbatical? Hmm. Well, guess that's something if that's actually her, at least.
I found out also that my new phone isn't as cheap as I thought it was--$15/mth vs. $20-ish/90 days. Will I keep it? Certainly--it got reception in the Metro when we were underground! It may just be that I'm buying phone cards instead of giving them my CC/PayPal info, but that's worth it, too. Certainly it's NOT worth keeping the old phone--died twice now in the middle of job-related calls. [Might've been a factor in losing the last interview, but I'm also out of practice in general and couldn't think of the "right" questions/etc.]
There are some other things I want to post about, but when I think of what to write, I just get frustrated. Like, it's cool that
Mississippi voters aren't [all] stupid, but the debate behind that gets frustrating--it's just a slippery slope from "Aren't the reason we're supposed to love children is that they're future adults? Why does this mean the morning after pill should be criminalized, when it's taken
BEFORE fertilization occurs?" [link vaguely NSFW] to "It's not fair to say it's not a valid life just because the child was a product of rape."
[I told you--frustrating]
[[I get the point of the child of rape argument--and, in fact, have characters who are exactly that--but I don't see how it helps anybody to criminalize women who know they can't Do The Right Thing and/or won't survive the pregnancy]]
[[[see, slope just keeps on slipping]]]
...actually, that's the ugliest one, so I'm not sure what it is I don't want to say about the others, save my general lack of knowledge of what's the "best" position on certain things. So maybe I'm just lazy =p
This is kind of awful, though:
Lab mice are limiting our understanding of human disease [tl;dr: The study of medicine has been set back tremendously because the mice used in experiments are plentiful and cheap as a result of being overfed and not given exercise... which skews results in that the "control" mice are obese but being tested upon as normal weight.] Not much I can say about it except, "Well, THERE'S your problem."