3941: Tightrope (feat. Big Boi)

Aug 03, 2011 01:01

I don't want to jinx it by giving out details before I even get a follow-up, but I may have another freelance project on my plate, even if it *might* not start until next month [kinda long to wait, aagh]. At least it looks a little more long-term than my proofing gig, but I have no idea to say for sure, though I'm hoping it does/I get at least the ~40 pages that is the third book divided by the number of people on that task, though I'm sure I could easily do more. The job falls directly into my skillset, too, which sounds kinda pathetic, but given that I--as a Jill-of-All-Trades sort--am turning up short for all these jobs requesting various specializations [and the unspecialized jobs trend toward dodgy sales/marketing and retail/food service], I'll take what I can get.

If absolutely nothing else comes up and/or the freelance thing isn't working out as well as I'd like and/or I can't get a web thing sufficiently going by the 31st, I'm going to have to use a Lifeline. Not ideal, since it's retail [and I'd have to work for the DAN], but at this point, I have to take what I can get =/ I mean, at least I *have* a "cheat," I guess, but eugh.

I want to say I should also start using my middle initial with my name, professionally, but it seems weird. Maybe it's this guy's fault. I'd change it, but I can't decide what works better.

arty, workcrap, ihatework, irresponsibly

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