The workshop lesson I'm having the most trouble applying is "80% selling, 20% telling" [as applies to a resumé]. One of the examples given:TELLING: Managed growth in the company's Western US markets
SELLING: Closed $200M in sales (125% of quota), building Western Region to #1 revenue producer in the company.
The problem is when I read my resumé, I can think of only one verifiable job responsibility that will translate in this method. The rest are so unquantifiable that I have no idea how to "sell" them after this fashion without lying, and it looks out of place to have the one really good thing and twenty mediocre ones.
Which means I should ask WG for help, but I like to think I'm creative enough I can do this myself. Even if I can't. Aagh -_- I will continue to do things, though... like... um... I have QuickBooks I need to learn to use ¬_¬
Aaand I've already hit another
entrepreneurial article... ugh, do I really need this kind of encouragement =/ Granted, it IS what I want to do, but it depends/requires help from so much on y'all [as much as I'd like spontaneously having a million faceless fans throwing money at me, to a degree it's going to be people I at least sort of know to help spread the word, if nothing else... yay networking!].
I did start writing out my tutorial [apparently-invalid link to the starting image goes here], but it's hella rough. Since all the images are different sizes, I have no idea how this will look properly formatted, or how to properly format it =p