3922: Hallow Man

Jul 15, 2011 22:40

So C and I did go see HP 7-2 today, and it was much better than 7-1, as per my complaints of shaky cam. Granted, most of the movie was action sequences that really required steady panning [or shots that would have made adding CG a pain if shaky cam was involved]. I thought some of the things left out made certain elements confusing [the mirror bit is still in question], and some of the things they added... hmm [post-Gringott's].

If anything, this was the worst =p as in, I couldn't stop seeing it:


Overall, I think Green Lantern might have some problems with that "#1 Movie of the Year" claim in its commercials... I would say even considering that an English The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is coming out in December =/ [spoilers: LOTS OF RAPE EEEW]

[Actually, I have no idea. *Maybe* GL has it after all, but I think it just a twinge unlikely.]

'sall I got... no calls, barely drawing -_- I'm almost sort of finishing Magic Kingdom, but it's kind of hurtful on my eyes to read for too long at a stretch. I want to return it as soon as I can, though, even if it was rather vague on where to return it. [I did "trade" my not-exactly-reselling-for-much Dragon Tattoo book, though, if it's a problem actually returning what I took.]

hp, moviey

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