3906.3: Waste

Jun 29, 2011 23:36

I want to coin the term/phrase "Biggest Weed Effect" or something like it. Basically, the scenario that happens when getting done with the biggest part of a job then makes the next-biggest part the biggest part [more visible] and so on and so forth, creating the feeling that something will never get done because one's initial estimation of the time involved for the project was based almost entirely on how long it would take to do the biggest part, without recognizing it was just the tip of the iceberg.

From when I decided to pull weeds one day and, after pulling the largest and thinking the job done, suddenly seeing the next largest as a whole other task, and so on until getting to weeds too small/annoying to pull out [between cracks]. I imagine "Tip of the Iceberg Effect" might be more identifiable/clear, though [and might actually be in use but the usual fear of accidental "Wiki Walk" applies or I'd check].

Yet this is kind of what editing is like for me. Getting the big spelling and grammar mistakes leads to a slippery slope of feeling like there are hundreds of errors I missed, to where I'm rereading a page a million times AND STILL MISSING THINGS. That may be what's making this project less fun as I go, that I haven't finished the book because I read the whole thing a million times and am only today even starting on the last chapter. [should be done tonight I hope I hope!~!]

[[though part of the problem is I ended up distracted and wrote a big long diatribe about why I'm still unemployed [which I don't feel like finishing because it's fucking late already]]]

But today's big news was I got a notification that MD signed me up to attend an unemployment seminar... the day after my jury duty >_< so I'll be pretty occupied that week, I think!

[I'll call tomorrow to see if I can reschedule]

[[then I'll harass the temp agency]]

[[[and cross my fingers]]]

Anyway, NUTBUNNIES to Half.com, because I'm pretty sure they [not me!] put one of my listings at a quantity of FIVE when I had one... something I discovered after getting a second purchase of the ONE of an item... |='

and NUTBUNNIES to ME, because I can't read and ended up refunding the buyer to whom I had already packaged the item for shipping... =_= so, wasted an envelope, but I can reuse for... packing, I guess... [hate being one of those people who very obviously reuses a package for something like shipping, unless it's a box, because boxes are hella expensive] and HELL YEAH I DOUBLE-CHECK MY LISTINGS NOW AAGH HAT

Anyway litter

What I don't know I don't like, what I don't like I don't want, what I don't want I waste...

ihateresponsibility, hathathathathat, booky, internety, ihatework, writey, maily, wastey, terminology

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