Despite unemployment, I have not gotten nearly as far to date in my contract project as I think I did in the "audition"*, but part of that was me just being stupid.
*which was not actually an audition for anything but wherein my qualifications for the current project are that I was overenthusiastic among the collective proofers, despite working for a mere credit in the back, and posted more and faster corrections than everyone else
I discovered per my aforementioned
Neojank goal that a certain item comes from a kite they used to sell at CVS, allegedly [I could never find one]. When I happened to find one on eBay, I snatched it up immediately--only to have it come in with the top cleverly taped over to look at a glance like it was NIP when it wasn't. I only realized I got robbed for $4 after unwinding the entire kite string in the odd event they hid the prize code underneath as a ruse to get people to actually fly the kite--nope.
I did, however, end up wadding up the entire kite string into an unusable mess.
My problem is I can't leave it like that, even if I never actually fly the kite [though I'll try, out of spite], so I spent most of two days picking at the string. It actually was a bit zen in its own way, like a puzzle that I could work on anywhere and not have to worry about taking up table space and that. I even had to admit that it was a deep-seated desire of mine to prove I could eventually unknot such a string since that was occasionally a problem when I was little, so finishing the task became that much more of a point of pride to where I was almost sad when I actually wound up the string properly again.
Anyway, that and this other Neotrinket [play a crap LCD handheld game for a code] have taken precious time away from comic and proofing, and it's my own craving for simple, achievable challenges that did it. At least the trinket has a fundamental flaw in that I can repeatedly press only one button every so often and it will slowly but regularly accumulate points without any significant thought, but it's still attention I could/should be giving other things.
I figure the proofing should be done before the deadline, but not as quickly as I'd like, even without distractions. Comic, I'm not sure about--I'm getting back to where I might even start up a PROPER web comic, i.e. draw a graphic novel and post a page a whenever, but I need to work out the script, and this week's
scrappy comic may take the rest of the weekend's full focus =/
Also got a reunion date, so will prolly be back in JC the weekend of the 10th. Doubtful a Chars will tag along, but we'll see.