Interview with P today, job sounds like commission-based customer service. Aagh, DO NOT WANT. ToT
...on the other hand, I realize I'm paralyzed by the idea of doing something I don't already know how to do as the core component of my pay [though I will be trained], and this may be the best opportunity I will get with my experience. I *should* prolly take the job, and hope I don't fall flat on my face. As long as I face my fears in a proper manner
[as opposed to... this], things should work out, shouldn't they?
I just, you know, didn't put forth a very good impression at the interview, I think. No prepared questions [what kind of hours, benefits, dress code, etc.], no excitement at the prospect of running my own business [what he said their ideal prospects should strive to want], and I'm pretty sure I sounded way too dismissive of what I would be doing. So... boned? =|
Guess I'll see how Door #2 does, at least, though I'm sure P sounds more promising by far even without knowing anything else about #2.
Very tired anyway =_= Zzzzz... [was positing to C that, if I finish my comic on time, I will be sad because I won't have a job, and if I get a job, I will be sad because I won't finish my comic on time... *fist shake*]