3873: Demolition Man

May 27, 2011 09:14

Well, now that we have Intertrons again, let me share the fucked-up nightmare I had! =p The part I care to repeat was, in short, a room full of lab animals [rats, rabbits] that were somehow trained to operate machinery to kill and dissect things.

Things being anything that enters the room, apparently. Not a very good design! [also, why not just program the machinery? eh.]

Anyway, that was at about 5a, and at 7a I still hadn't fallen back asleep, so I went outside and dug up the yard [see below for intended post] until I felt sufficiently gross, came back in and took a cold shower, and here I am!


I've traced my dissatisfaction with my artwork to my animation efforts: the slightest thing "off" about a single frame throws off the entire sequence.

It's difficult to deprogram myself from this, since I've been trying [off and on] to complete a short. Also, because it's not a terrible thing to be that picky except in terms of quantity over quality a la a daily webcomic [read: one making regular use of "filler"]. Guess in non-animation terms it comes down to whether I can stand looking at a drawing for long enough to declare it finished--then never look at it again, to resist the temptation to fix it 9_9

It's been tempting to do a Mikey Teutel and just start painting, maybe open a gallery [pfffffft], but I think I just got enlisted to tear up the yarddo some gardening 6_6 which, I guess at least that's exercise... =' Also, to get Mum to stop bugging me about whether I'll plant any veggies this year [got some teeny zucchini--yes, that's what the package says]...

Ugh, SOMEBODY reply to my resumé!!1one D=

arty, nightmarey, gardeny, psychologically

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