Just got the results of my blood work: pretty okay. Was stupid and didn't think to schedule my follow-up... that's what I get for being hungry >_< I asked if there was a way to see what my blood type was from it, he said, "No, there's no point... You know what you can do--if you donate blood, they'll tell you your blood type..."
ANYWAY, a rollover topic I meant to cover: Capitol Critters!
Here's the short of it for anyone somehow unfamiliar with the show: Way back in 19XZ, they made an "adult" cartoon to try to compete with The Simpsons, the idea focusing on D.C. resident rats and mice that are somehow keenly aware of and invested in the goings-on of the human world, focusing specifically on a country mouse, NPH*, who wanted to come to D.C. and see the sights and shit. You know, typical "bumpkin in the city" fare.
*Max, I think, voiced by NPH
The point of bringing it up: Spike [who else in my apparently too-tiny circle] recently pointed out that the show is painfully racist. Just watch
the intro [if that doesn't get taken down]--it goes from human world to rat/mouse world to cockroach SLUMS... and, see, you know they're black 'cause they like BASKETBALL.
[the grape represents Trickle-Down Economics LAWL]
Episode 2? also features gay pigeons. Which makes Jammet feel dirty and disgusted and HOW DARE THEY TOUCH ME and OH THE HUMANITY I AM SCARRED FOREVAR FROM TOUCHING FILTHY SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS!!1 ¬_¬
So... yeah.
I see now as a wizened old hag the inherent awfulness of the show [that has almost nothing to do with it being furry EXCEPT the blatant class warfare] that went completely below my radar as a child. To be fair, I didn't "get" even the most awful of Asian jokes [even the pulling on one's eyes to make them slits] because I barely thought of myself as Asian, growing up in Whitebread America, so of course I'm not going to see the slap-in-the-face that Spike did. Sort of telling how whitebread the animation team was, though, if ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE ALONG THE LINE someone said, "Hey, this is kinda uncool, guys!"
[Another punch in the gut mentioned was the new MLP and their purple Voodoo Zebra... well-meaning? but, could this not have been posed as class warfare? ...I dunno, I didn't see it, but it sounds like an unnecessary point to make, this "we should get along with other races" segregation thing that shows like Shirt Tales and The Get-Along Gang and The Wuzzles and so on did perfectly fine without having to beat anyone over the head to do it.]
As counterpoint, Spike also showed
Bob and Margaret [specifically, the "pilot" that was really made as a standalone short], which is humour any adult would get and appreciate. You know, vs. "rats cause a power outage in the Pentagon's cafeteria, so the SWAT team comes to SHOOT UP THE KITCHEN to get rid of them" and "oh, you know it's for adults because they say DAMN" and wait, what |=o
Point is 1. as a kid, I was amused almost entirely by the fact that a show was well-drawn and 2. I was completely oblivious to things that should have made me mad [instead being mad about completely trivial things]. I guess it's difficult to be worldly wise as a kid, but it's bizarre just how much of a disconnect that really is. No wonder everyone idealizes being a kid--it's way too easy.
How to scar a child FOREVAR T_T WTF PEOPLE