3849: Feel It In My Bones

May 03, 2011 23:21

Just a quick(ish) update:

- Nothing broken that they can see. Got brace, is kinda weighty and doesn't seem to help much if at all. Still need the "dangerous" crutches to avoid putting weight on it. Basically means still not going anywhere anytime soon unless I have to go.

- Examiner seemed very confused by the Urgent Care place, in the fact that she had no idea they even existed [much less would refer me there specifically], that they didn't really do much in terms of examining my ankle, and that they didn't give me anything for it save a prescription I didn't fill ['cause... WALKING]. Suggested I'm not likely to go there ever again [true].

- Pretty depressed that I can't even play Rock Band [need my left foot, which is injured--timing is WAY off with my right]. Started reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in depth [vs. the first paragraph-ish in the checkout line], feel like I'd rather watch the movie.

- Writing Book 4 as Book 3, 'cause I can't work up the interest in the comparable amount of work needed for Ex-Book 3 [rather confusing, since Ex-Book 4 is stealing another book's title as well] but also because WRITE WHAT I KNOW EHH??? =p [also confusing, New Book 3 isn't online anywhere yet for me to show you... working on that]

- Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future: Future Force Training (Level 1)! XD ...because 9_9



sad, booky, sucks, whatapain, writey, ihatehospitals, telly

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