3846: Get Ready For This

Apr 30, 2011 00:49

Well, shit.

tl;dr: They're starting up work for Machine of Death Book 2.

Yes, I realize I said I had no interest in bandwagonning after the fact, as though I only noticed it in Borders and was like, "Hey, this thing is awesome and I totally want in on it!!1" but, they're accepting art portfolio submissions.


I almost wanna see if they'd be interested. I definitely don't think I could make a TOTALLY AWESOME new MoD story that would be worth taking time away from my ORIGINAL stories to do [unless I rip off, say, the current Luann storyline and do some kind of beauty pageant story LAWL WRITE WHAT I KNOW EHH!!!*], but the odd page of art would be totally my thing. [Subject depending.]
*...damn it, I almost wanna write it now. STOP ME PEAS

AAGH, but... AAGH.



*goes to look through online finished pieces*

Shit. Solidly lacking images+backgrounds T_T There is no way... =(

In other news, though I want to get some progress in these games I haven't gotten 100% for, playing Rock Band until I get at least one Achievement per sitting may be a mistake =_=

Aaaaaaand now I've thought of a story about a vampire breaking into machines, since it is a RULE that the machines do a blood test, in every possible universe in which they exist.


I dunno, you guys, would you read a story about a rock band arguing over how stupid it is writing a song about how you're going to die by getting punched in the face by a bee? ¬_¬ or that

arty, mod, yays?, games, ambivalenty, writey

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