3828: Fine Without You (Original Mix)

Apr 12, 2011 23:23

This actually seems not noteworthy, considering, but I'll note it anyway because that's what I do. [Also, for that whole "making conversation" shit that's supposedly so important to forming strong relationships... I LURV YUO INTARWEBZ!!!1]

My brother just texted me to ask if I was interested in a freelance job making flyers/posters/brochures/that ilk. I'm always curious about what he does, but not curious enough to take on a whole other job in the free time I don't have, especially with audits eating all my time [today, I actually skipped going to the post office, 'cause it was already 2p by the time I was free to go, and fuckit]. I offered to refer him, but he said he knew someone.

This sort of revisits my "official" stance on commissions--I'm only interested if it's a REALLY GOOD project. Like, an awesome children's book, or if someone's offering to draw a comic I write, or some variation thereof. I don't doubt that my brother can come up with something AWESOME, but flyers/posters/brochures sounds kinda... what I quit doing because I already wasn't doing my own stuff I wanted to do more.

Yeah, I know, the bar's kinda high: I want to be commissioned to do something that's more interesting than my own stuff. I pretty much expect that never to happen, but for a good reason. I didn't even find out what he wanted made, 'cause if I'm not interested, asking what it's for and THEN saying nah sounds snobby, like it's not good enough for me. If I'm blanketly not interested in extra work, at least I'm conveying that it's not personal.

Guess I could ask, but maybe I'll end up seeing anyway... *lazy*

[Incidentally, I only know one person I could reasonably expect to refer with any success. I don't wanna say, "Any of you want my leftovers?!" but, would anyone have wanted the job? Sorta for quickily-outdated future reference or something.]


[[[I dunno]]]

I'm basically using the "start where you are and radiate outwards" strategy [normally recommended for cleaning house] with my artwork. I was looking for a dedicated sketchbook for the thumbnails I need to do and the first one I found has a bunch of sketches I want to finish but haven't because I suck. One's a group picture, which is why it's taking so long, and it's really going to suck because the left half is/will be three years older than the right =/

Unless I don't finish it for another three years... 9_9 FUCKSOCKS

I'm a little confused, tho, 'cause the only empty sketchbook I see is the crappy Scott Pilgrim one I got from Borders' closing =/ and I actually mean crappy as in the binding is terrible but who cares, it was like $3 ¬_¬



tehfams, arty, sucks, snobby, lazy

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