So, story:
Coach plans to come in late today 'cause he needs to hit the DMV to change to MD plates, figures it'll take him an hour.
Somehow, the subject of Coach comes up in the interim [about 10:30a], and Usurper laughs at him, saying, "He thinks he'll get out of the DMV in an hour! When I changed plates, I went in at 9 and got out at 1, had to fax stuff, then went back in at 2 and got out at 7. If he's in before NOON, I'll eat--"
AT THAT MOMENT, Coach strolls in.
Usurper: "Did you change your mind?"
Coach: "Naw! I was in and out like a breeze! I was the first one there, I had all the info I needed..."
Usurper: " I know it was personal. =("
So there's that. Not that I wished for it or anything, but COMEDIC TIMING XD [though Coach 'fessed up to hearing them talking and waltzing in on cue]
The other thing is that whole "laziness pays off... sorta" thing I have going =/ in that Helper MIGHT be changing departments. Might. No official word about it, but Helper told me, "'cause you don't talk" 9_9 Well... semantically, that's true ;p
Not that I wished to get Helper out of my hair, either, but... hey, if it's one less person asking me about every little thing... note:
Helper: "They make so much money off us doin' it this way! No way $100 is 20% of $500!"
Me: *stares* "Uh... yeah, it is. 20% is one-fifth."
Helper: ".......oh."
THIS is who's supposed to be my back-up if I'm out? <=/ I already felt annoyed showing Mrs. Fris how to do things in my absence [when she wanted to come in on NYE and I didn't], and Mrs. Fris understands what I'm talking about! Training Helper to do everything I do would be a nightmare... T_T
Perhaps the best part, and my actual wish, was about mid-afternoon when I was thinking, "I'm hangry =( want lunch..." [I skipped as per usual] Then:
Helper: "Julie! Why aren't you getting any food?? There's a bunch in the kitchen!"
Me: O_O *hears music* =D~~~
So, yeah! ^o^ Though I got the picked-over pickings-over by the time I got there since no one bothered to announce it or anything, I loaded up on a LOT of hummus things, some potato salad, macaroni salad, and cole slaw packs, three things of chocolate, a raspberry and creme dessert thingie, a thing of jalapeno bagel bites or something, and a mini breakfast pizza. The pizza and the dessert thingie I ate then, the rest I brought back. Prolly could've gotten more, but I was out of bags =p and I didn't feel like picking over the picked-over picked-over pickings-over.
Uh. So. It's basically late again, and while I normally accept Monday as a wash, I'm annoyed I'm not getting any significant progress on my projects.
The comic is still running, but barely, and even if I try to make "the current project" be "create a buffer for the comic," I don't feel like I'm getting there =( Argh.