Historical record almost dictates that I say something, but I honestly don't know what to say that hasn't been
better. I am one of those detached souls perpetually in media res, with no particular attachment to the past and a "what will be will be" mindset towards the future
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Which I try not to do, but lately if I avoid that kind of judgement, it's only due to laziness in passing judgement in the first place =p e.g. I would have been inclined to panic a la everyone else, except hey, Japan doesn't seem to be panicking. In fact, they're just going down the checklist of, "Okay, well something went wrong here, so onto Step 2a-65: In the event of failure of redundant backup 3"...
And if nuclear fallout was really as devastating as our nightmares would have it be, why hasn't it spread across the entire planet like an unstoppable plague by now? Why is the wildlife around Chernobyl flourishing? [besides that people aren't there anymore]
So... yah. Sucks that maybe a few knee-jerk reactions will most likely cause some nuclear power plants to close now, but if Wisconsin can get back its unions, maybe there's hope yet.
Or not. I've long ago resigned the future to whatever it might be, even if it's not what I want [is it ever, for anyone?].
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