3778: Ten Years Gone

Feb 21, 2011 00:19

Last night, C showed me a thread on a certain forum that was basically making fun of someone's Youtube Top 10 list [largely, for being "FURREH"]. While the contents and execution of the list itself was laughable, I could still see it was made purely for-fun and not to be taken too seriously, so... you know, whatever.

Recommended as related was a TWO-PART commentary on said video. We watched part 1, which highlighted all of the things wrong with the original video ["WHY is this character #10, you didn't say except, 'she's hot despite not really doing anything'?!"] but I really couldn't help getting the feeling of sour grapes watching it. It seems like Disliking the video is enough. Why then tag yourself to the offending video by editing in a [two-part by necessity of length] commentary and spelling out every detail that underscores the misguidedness of trying to show off one's fanhood?

It all reminds me of the kind of time-wasting endeavours I used to engage in in high school and through far too much of college [if not beyond--my memory has blocked out a lot of things] that is currently eating at me as a bulk of the reason I feel as though I'm finally to where I should have been ten years ago, that I spent so much time backpedalling to catch up to things I should have been managing when I was doing these other fruitless activities instead. Yes, I'm aware that I couldn't possibly be where I am now [and happily so] without taking the paths I did, but could I have been somewhere comparable if I had only had a little foresight? Stupid MLCS. *rubs forehead*

I'm not going to link to any of the aforementioned Youtubery and its ilk, because smart people will be able to deduce what I'm talking about with some homework, and why just hand you something to be annoyed about =/ Also, don't want to tempt anyone into wasting time making a commentary about the commentary... ¬_¬ ;p

Speaking of wasting time, I hate politics. I especially hate that people can so apparently vote completely contrary to their own self-interests--or, so to favour such a minority that disincludes oneself [rich white man, which I'm pretty sure is not the majority constituent of ANY political base]--but I was TRYING not to keep from being able to sleep at night... I hate people >_<

...I feel like the terminus of the "First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out" quote... AAGH I already feel remedial as it is, do I want to take on more?! Aagh. I know I should go to rallies and write letters and things, but it always makes me feel mad, and I hate that [see prior post].


negatively, ihatepeople, internety, comicky, whattheshit, complainy, politicrap

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