3758: Blue (Da Ba De)

Feb 01, 2011 22:54

I hate the conflicting interests I have. I'm drawn to the DJ equipment in Best Buy whenever we go in, even though I have close to no idea what any of it does. I want to master DDR and Rock Band [drums only]. I want to read up on pretty much any subject in existence, and I want to become fluent in about fifty different languages.

Oh, and that whole drawing and writing stuff.

So, though I was hoping to accomplish something tonight, the most I did was get C a birthday "tiramisu cake" [in "pod"*/bowl] and help him watch the Iron Man 2 Blu-Ray that Toby had gotten him for Christmas on the player his folks got him for his birthday [yeah, wrong order, I know]. Funny thing about movies: Watching one is like losing two hours! ¬_¬**
*his words, not mine
**on this note, I realize my current phone is limited in texting ability by its lack of semicolon, which is aggravating when that one character opens up all kinds of Unicode for me... *shakes fist*

While I was at work, he watched the Inception Blu-Ray I got him, for the record. Anyway, I want to do at least three different things tonight and don't have time to do even one of them =( Le sigh. May as well get to bed and hopefully NOT lie awake for the next eight hours *knock on wood*

shoppy, learny, birfday, moviey, seepy, lazy

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