3706: Dawn Of Victory

Dec 11, 2010 18:52

Oh, yeah, I don't have an Aslan icon anymore. Oops. Not going to bother fishing around for it, though, as I'm mildly annoyed after realizing Aslan is just Turkish for lion... WOO SO CREATIVES YESH

[no I didn't think to look that shit up--I just stumbled upon it]

C and I went to see TCoN: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader today, because we might as well finish the set. Sort of how we felt about PotC: At World's End, except my standards were lower then and I could get more caught up in the fact it was a big-budget epic movie than I would now [absolutely NO interest in seeing PotC 4].

My spoiler-free assessment is it's exactly what I expected it to be [plus a little of that irritating shaky-cam, but more forgiveably than in Deathly Hallows]. Eustace was cast so perfectly that I can't imagine Will Poulter being anything but a snot-nosed prat IRL--an unfortunate fate =/ It's a gorgeously-portrayed Plot Coupon fantasy I do not regret seeing, though I have mixed feelings about not getting Eddie Izzard back for Reepicheep [though Simon Pegg isn't terrible].

The unfortunate downfall of Narnia is, on reflection, that it does not have that all-important "teenage romance" bullshit drawing in the crowds. It's straightforward adventure [minus the bullshitted Caspian + Susan pair-up in TCoN:PC also hinted at in Dawn Treader], and perhaps that is out of style with today's sparkly shampire crowd. Such a shame.

So next week we'll see how TRON is, then my annual review meme.


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