3702: Mutter

Dec 07, 2010 20:46

[yes, I know the subj. means "mother"--that's the joke]

So we got a new guy in for PHB's position, and... I don't WANT him to fail, as such, but the job involves talking with people over the phone, and... he doesn't sound the part. So, Mumble [named ironically*, considering my well-established penchant for not speaking up]. I guess we'll see how long this works, but I dunno.

*Two notes: 1. I now have overpowering doubts that I am ever using "irony" correctly, which means I r doin it rong. 2. The first comment on that link is excellent.

The dilemma that has arisen from the last two days is, though the rest of us are competent and this is a genuine cutting of the fat, I have been SWAMPED with catch-up work from 1. establishing that there were things I was supposed to be doing that PHB never taught me, 2. constantly being pulled away from my regular job to try to help everyone else figure out what PHB was [supposed to be] doing and what needed to be looked at, 3. helping Mickey learn some of what I do--since my back-up WAS supposed to be PHB and is now no one, 4. emptying PHB's desk and figuring out who gets what and why [bankruptcies now go to Mrs. Fris, I'm supposed to do CC refunds, etc.], and 5. the usual suspects [though I snuck in yesterday's 88 report into yesterday's work, today's was still just Too Damn Long].

At least I got to steal PHB's old catalogue and calendar XD [though the latter is banged up and not in a condition I would gift to folks as was my initial plan--oh well]

I figure I'll finish(?) Giftmas cards on the 10th, now that I've semi-dedicated myself to a plan to release my Book 2 on New Year's. Why? It's Oddly Appropriate. [If you missed how, you might want to read it more carefully...] Naturally, this means I won't make the deadline... =/ especially since I wanted to try for a photorealistic cover this time. Oh for a good motorbike + sports car shot that isn't just a Google search ¬_¬ *is willing to license for a reasonable fee PM me pls*

grammar, workpoliticrap, writey

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