3612: Pet Name

Sep 08, 2010 00:22

Annoyingly, I've already used "Name" way back in 2006 and "Name of the Game" in 2007, both for something less appropriate, but at this point who cares.

...ya know what? I rather don't care to remember the original entry for "Pet Name"... *yoink* [it was about what I called ex-co-workers, and I [blessedly] don't even remember them despite the "memorable" names--so much for that!]

So in catching up on columns [behind over a month!!1 HOW!!??], I noticed the "stolen baby name" thing come up again, even recently so! It strikes me that this is almost 100% of what I *might* want in a child, that being able to proudly hold up *my* flesh-and-blood-incubated-for-nine-months-odd and announce to the world...

Welcome, [insert name here]!

Hey, I know better than that. As awful I'm sure the names we've chosen are [I'm not contesting C's first name choices and have most likely complemented them with the worst middle names possible], I don't want someone nicking them anyway |=/ I already feel a little weird a childhood friend named her daughter Julie, but that was a name I didn't pick and pretty much kept only because I couldn't decide on something better. Someone snorking up* something we deliberated over with care for LIKE, TWO HOURS!!!1, that's cruel.
*Ctrl-F "snork" or whatever your OS equivalent for "Find"

...anyway, I know me, and I know one moment in time isn't worth the time then consumed caring for the result of the lead-up to that moment. [I barely take care of more independent creatures, like cats and jurburbs...] Also, Charles [assumingly], kid, and I are the ones who'd care/be affected by our bad decision the most.

That may be why I have so many characters. Some of them, I loved a name--i.e. Darian Grey--and created a character around him/her/it. Others developed their own names from their personalities, sometimes taking several different names as they evolved [no link 'cause I suck... though, I guess, TECHNICALLY Jen Aside took a couple of different incarnations over the years in both name and form].

At the same time, that removes a name from play for me: I can't name an actual person Darian because I feel like I would accidentally stigmatize that actual person ["Why am I named for this character when you've had all these bad things happen to him?!"], even if I really REALLY like the name otherwise. Augh. [Then again, I wonder if other people experience some of the same, like, "Well, I wanted to name my kid Job, but look what happened in the Bible..." [although the most Holier-Than-Thou would use that as proof-of-faith, maybe]]

So, I think I said once I would share the names when I'm 35 and by that point am not biologically fit anymore, but I know that would backfire horribly somehow... still pretty confident that's a safe time to give it away, but I'm also pretty confident we'd change our minds if it came to it anyway ;p Eh, we'll see in three years... 9_9

In the meantime, I spent about ninety minutes editing today and cumulatively got about a paragraph finished =( including changing a character's name, only to change it back. So productive! I think I'll actually be relieved when this year's Nano's over, 'cause I'll be out of material and pretty much HAVE to finish what I've already started. Would be nice! XP

namingway, hax, abby-conflict, journal, sucks, writey, nobabies

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