3597: Just Dance

Aug 24, 2010 00:13

SURELY there were some non-tortured times in my characters' lives...? One or two?

Also, nofna sent me postcards =D =D =D [not both at once, but I don't remember posting the one]:

The second is AWESOME [despite two anally-technical errors] because it's the first--er, second evidence anyone has shown that they've tried to decipher my script. Granted, I have mixed feelings about it--on one hand, it's not really that complicated a cipher [based directly on the language it's written in and pretty much represents not understanding a given spoken language], but on the other hand I liked knowing something no one else did =/

...which may be why I keep making up new ones 9_9

You'd think I'd have enough artwork by now to put together that damned artbook I started two years ago! Hrmp. We'll see... [stupid Chainz]

bother, arty, wordy, zomgomg, games

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