May 31, 2010 04:04

Mum's "End of year ballet class-slash-birthday shindig" was today, with accompanying full house [Bob Saget not included]:

Lots of things I could say about the event, but I think the only moderately interesting thing was that Thomas put The Dark Crystal on for the one "little brother tagging along" to watch, yet all the fathers were the ones who actually came down and sat through the whole thing... ^^;

More practice drawing people-as-specific-people:

I figure almost no one will guess correctly on the first try, which is either an accident of appearance or [more likely] my incapacity for accurate recreation. Whichever it is, that's why I don't want to just say who it is flat out, as a gauge for how I'm doing.

...I actually did several pages of art [by virtue of holing up away from the hoards], but it's late and I'm tired =/ and hoping I didn't catch something from one of the HUNDRED people there =( 'cause I really want to try to make this Henry Rollins/BT thing at 9:30 tomorrow! [even if I end up not getting in and having to settle for wandering around DC with camera in hand]

...I'm saying something inconsistent...

peoples, cakes, sicky, arty-peeps, photoy, adebuh?

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