3462: Can't Fight The Moonlight

Apr 11, 2010 03:33

I can only reason that I get a creative burst of energy at 3:16a--instead of, oh, 3:16p--is that light levels are regulated after dark [the main reason I could stay awake for a full eight-hour shift in an office with no windows].

Despite technically being on vacation this past week, I found I could not stay focused on any single task [even playing games, save forcing myself to finish ND #1 just to have it done at the expense of getting to bed early for my dentist check-up first thing Wednesday morning]. I know most of it has to do with the feeling of not knowing what's coming next: If I plan to sit down and draw/ink for an hour, will that be when the temp agency calls me to ask if I can come in for an interview for XYZ?

--or when the dentist's assistant finally calls me back about payment... ¬_¬; [no, I technically haven't paid yet, as their machine was down--not that my expired HSA debit card would've worked, I later realized]

Even after 6p, when I could expect to be undisturbed, I felt too distracted to enjoy the week. Ugh! The predictability of having a known schedule is greatly underappreciated.

I had planned to spend the day--the actual "sun is out" part of the day--working on a specific picture, but instead I nursed a blinding headache [aagh], tried to max out my levels in Quest for Glory [#1, original], sat outside [inside was FREEZING] and re-read Keroro Gunso #6, saw a BUG and vacuumed all of the downstairs, ate dinner, then started a comic [for a contest], edits on a fan picture, and writing reviews on Amazon [the latter of which, only the one for the LOLcat Bible went through, somehow]. AAGH HOW THIS HAPPEN DX ...guess I can't know what I'll do tomorrowLATER TODAY until I fall asleep and wake up again =/

oh and Hagaren: Brotherhood is awesome ^o^

reasoning, healthcrap, games, sucks, whatapain, ronbake, hagaren, ihatemoney, complainy, busiwork, anime, bother, arty, taghappy, seepy, lazy, cleany

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