3372: Roundabout

Jan 11, 2010 00:06

Oh, Firefox and your d/ling everything in the queue at the same time... what happened to--you know--queueing??

I don't know why I keep forgetting I have a GPS, especially when it would come in handy. It's kind of a pain to use every day, though. Certainly without it I wouldn't be able to do the "hit eight Targets in one day" kind of thing I did [again] today--could've been more, but I staggered out of bed @ 12:45p and couldn't get going until about 13:30, at which point Chars said, "Let's unbox the vacuum already!"


I *guess* it's not that being a half-hour after planned departure mattered much, but after 17:00/sunset is when it suddenly gets COLD. Also, less visibleness in D.C.--MISTAKE to go >_< but... I *did* find something there I couldn't find anywhere else, so I guess it was worth going =p


We got the second RFTG expansion for belated present, potential for SIX players now o_O and... shuffling in shifts :B I won TWICE thanks to new Start World #10 ^o^ which seems like a sure thing, but perhaps that's New Deck Luck. Start World 6 is still ass, though, I think... I seriously can't think of how it's a good world to have XB

Also, Outback: "One DEELICIOUS pork tenderloin for the lady! ...another DEELICIOUS pork tenderloin for you, sir! ...and - pretty good sandwich..." XD Gee, way to earn yourself a tip there by mocking my meal 9_9 [well, C's]

Ungh... stuff. I'm tired.

foody, bother, boardgamey, shoppy, ihatedriving, compy, ihatecold

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